Saturday 18 February 2017

Killing Mother Earth

We are destroying our magnificent Mother Earth.. the last statistic in the video is very scary.. what are we doing?!

Any why the hell am I posting this on Facebook? What good will that do? Raise awareness sure, but then what? Maybe I'll feel a little bit better about myself and go back to my "busy" life..

"Busy" doing what? Whats keeping you "busy" these days and how important is that in the grander scheme of things?

Something ain't right. Our priorities are all messed up..

Time to take care of Mother Earth, she should be our number one priority in everything we do every day. If we don't, she won't be able to take care of our children. And they will hate us for it..

Dina Kafafi time to go to a secluded place and talk about our life plans & goals!